The Book of Snow Religion

1In the beginning a young man, Gsus, met a young woman, Mary J, under the watchful eye of a high demand religion.

2 And behold their lives were without form and void, as they did as they were instructed and worked hard, gave service, and started a family.

3 And the family dwelt in darkness and attended church often and did everything as taught to them by the elders. Yet still they dwelt in darkness.

4 And God saith, let them see the light. And behold they saw the light, and saw that it was good.

5 And it came to pass that they set off on their journey to find true happiness alongside their children.

6 And lo, on their left hand, a daughter dressed in a tutu having a love for nature and making snow angels at every chance.

7 And lo, on their right hand, their demon son riding fast, dancing on the snow like no one was watching, and jumping freely off everything in his path.

8 And they beheld that the field is white and ready to harvest. And they did enjoy the harvest exceedingly. And they desired to share the light.

9 And thus on the seventh day, they rested from their labors, played in the snow, and saw that it was good!

10 And God saith, Go! Follow your angel and let your inner demon out!

I don’t go for ancient wisdom
I don’t believe just ‘cos ideas are tenacious it means they are worthy
I get freaked out by churches
Some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords but the lyrics are spooky
And yes I have all of the usual objections to the miseducation
Of children who in tax-exempt institutions are taught to externalise blame
And to feel ashamed and to judge things as plain right and wrong

-Tim Minchin, “White Wine in the Sun”

Grace and peace,
Gsus and Mary J